How secure are your emails? Uncovering Email Security Threats.

Most of today’s devastating breaches still start with a single email.

Phishing is not just about getting you to click a link to launch malware. More insidiously, it’s about stealing power-user credentials. This allows criminals to gain access, send emails, make financial requests, and spread malicious code everywhere that user’s identity is authorized to go.

Email remains a primary threat vector. Organizations need to stay vigilant about protecting employees against advanced phishing and malware attacks starting as Business Email Compromise (BEC), email impersonation and fraud.

In this presentation you will learn:

  • Why most organizations are already subject to Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.
  • That BEC attacks are a costly form of cybercrime.
  • Why organizations are ill-prepared to deal with BEC attacks.
  • That low preparedness equals ample opportunity for more BEC threats.
  • Why organizations need modern technology to counteract BEC threats.
  • How to harden organizational processes targeted by BEC threats.

If you have ongoing email security issues or simply want to get offensive to learning how to protect your business this presentation is for you.

Must be registered to attend.

Where: Virtual over Zoom

When: May 16th 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (MST) Where : Virtual (Over Zoom) register below.