Cybersecurity Apathy: The belief that a cyber-attack won’t happen to your organization is dangerous and can cripple your operations.

In this webinar, Greg Tanner takes you on a journey from being one click away from opening that insidious email to having peace of mind and confidence that your organization is safe and resilient.

We will cover:

Fear: The top reason CEOs and leaders don’t act on building a cybersecurity defense.

Risk: The real risk that is lurking around the corner for everyone no matter how small or large.

Discovery:  How to learn what is likely to happen and how to begin.

Understanding: Simplifying cybersecurity.

Learn how having a trusted advisor can transform you into a trusted, confident and balanced leader of your organization that can maximize the benefits of technology.



About Greg
With over 20 years of experience in securing America’s interests Greg has in-depth knowledge of current and evolving threats to our great nation. His mission is to advance cybersecurity capabilities of our critical industries, large and small, to hold fast and maintain overall mission capability. From the depths of DFARS, FedRAMP, CMMC, NIST and OSINT he aims to provide cybersecurity capabilities that will enable the betterment of our society and guard against bad actors that seek to sow chaos. HIs mission is to educate as many of people as he can to reduce risk and increase resilience.

He is the leader of our talented team of engineers at Cynthetic Systems. He keeps our team and technology ready to combat the threats that are lurking around the corner.